Taketatsu Ayana TV 21

title Taketatsu Ayana TV 21
date 2018.12.26 21:00-22:00
cost free + members only
host Taketatsu Ayana (ÃÝãºÌÆà)
assistants Sasaki Hitomi
Uchida Shuu (ÆâÅĽ¨)
Amako Junna

This was the 21st broadcast for Ayana TV. This was the last broadcast of this show.

In this broadcast they looked back at the previous broadcasts, and read many mails.

The three assistants hadn't met much before this show, but they all went to buy the suits together before the show began.

The Ayana Holiday in Italy goods, such as bluray, photobook, clearfiles, calendar will go on sale at Comic Market 95 at the Second Shot booth.

There will be an Ayaraji public recording event on 3/16.

[Taketatsu Ayana internet broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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