Bang Dream TV Live 2021 70

title Bang Dream TV Live 2021 70
date 2021.06.10 22:00-
broadcast youtube Bang Dream channel
archive one week only
hosts Kurachi Reo
Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)
Shizaki Kanon (»Öºê³ò²»)

This was the 70th broadcast of Bang Dream TV Live 2021. The hosts were Kurachi Reo, Hata Sawako, and Shizaki Kanon.

All three seiyuu did voices to characters that played the keyboards. Everyone actually played the keyboards in their bands except for Sawako. Sawako said she learned piano when she was little.

In the first corner, everyone introduced their characters.

In the next corner, they gave out a lot of Bang Dream information, about CDs, goods, events.

In the next corner, they all played one game of Girls Band Party.

In the last corner, there was a drawing corner about keyboards.

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