Bang Dream TV Live 2021 77

title Bang Dream TV Live 2021 77
date 2021.07.29 22:00-
broadcast youtube Bang Dream channel
archive one week only
hosts Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)
Kudou Haruka (¹©Æ£À²¹á)
Shizaki Kanon (»Öºê³ò²»)
Tsumugi Risa (ËÂÌÚÍùº´)

This was the 77th broadcast of Bang Dream TV Live 2021. The hosts were Hata Sawako, Kudou Haruka, Shizaki Kanon, and Tsumugi Risa.

In the first corner, they gave out a lot of Bang Dream information, about CDs, goods, events, books.

In the next corner, they talked about the Galpa Pico anime, and showed many scenes.

In the last corner, they played a ping pong ball tossing game, where they had to bounce the ball into little cups. There were nine cups, placed three by three, and they had to get three in a row. Each seiyuu tossed 5 balls. They went through one round, but couldn't get three in a row. Then Risa went again, and they got it.

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