Bang Dream Natsu no Daihappyoukai 2022

title Bang Dream Natsu no Daihappyoukai 2022
date 2022.06.23 21:00-22:00
broadcast youtube
hosts Kudou Haruka (¹©Æ£À²¹á)
Terakawa Aimi (»ûÀî°¦Èþ)
Aiba Aina (Á걩¤¢¤¤¤Ê)

This was a live broadcast to make announcements for upcoming Bang Dream events and goods. The hosts were Kudou Haruka, Aimi, and Aiba Aina.

There will be a Bang Dream Tokimeki Natsu Matsuri live on 7/30 at Line Cube Shibuya. The main vocal for all 7 bands will appear, and all guests will wear yukata.

They also gave out information on many upcoming CDs.

The Bang Dream 10th Live will take place on 9/22, 9/23, 9/24, and 9/25.

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