Hibiki Style+ 4/12

title Hibiki Style+
date 2024.04.12
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Shindou Amane (¿ÊÆ£¤¢¤Þ¤Í)
Nishio Yuuka

This was a monthly live broadcast by the seiyuu of the production Hibiki. The hosts were Shindou Amane and Nishio Yuuka.

Amane's birthday was 4/20, and Yuuka's birthday was 3/31. So it was just in between their birthdays.

The first corner was a birthday talk corner.

Amane will become 20 next week. She joined Hibiki when she was in junior high, so she was always going to school in the days and working at night. But now she only works, so she said that she has more time to sleep.

Yuuka released a birthday album called "Link" on 4/5.

There will be an event for Amane's show Amanebu on 4/20, and Yuuka will be one of the guests.

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