Galpa Station 12 part 1

title Galpa Station 12 part 1
date 2022.07.28
broadcast youtube
emcee Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)
guests Kudou Haruka (¹©Æ£À²¹á)
Nakashima Yuki (ÃæÅçͳµ®)
Toyota Moe (Ë­ÅÄ˨³¨)
video Maeshima Ami (Á°Åç°¡Èþ)

This was the 12th broadcast of Galpa Station, for the game Bang Dream Girls Band Party. The emcee was Hata Sawako, and the guests were Kudou Haruka, Nakashima Yuki, and Toyota Moe.

This was a special two part broadcast, and this was part 1. The second part was a special by the group Morfonica.

At the beginning they gave out information about Bang Dream goods, music, and events.

There will be a Galpa Hai 4 event on 9/11. The emcees will be Yuki and Moe.

There was a video message by Maeshima Ami for the Title Dream concert bluray, which goes on sale 8/3.

After giving out some more information, the seiyuu played some games of Girls Band Party. Sawako and Yuki played first, and Haruka and Moe played next. Both teams cleared their targets.

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