Dengeki Game Live 111

title Dengeki Game Live 111
date/time 2023.09.28
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Takatsuki Kanako (高槻かなこ)
Maeda Kaori (前田佳織里)

This was the 111th broadcast of the Dengeki game show. The hosts were Takatsuki Kanako and Maeda Kaori.

This was a 2 and a half hour broadcast, and the first part was the game "Genjitsu no Yohane Blaze in the Deep Blue", which is planned to go on sale 11/16. Kanako played the game for around 20 minutes. Then they talked about the game package, and some of the tokuten goods.

At the end, Kanako talked about her photo collection book. She said she just turned 30 years old, and she released her first photo book. Kanako went to Vietnam to take the photos. Then they brought out a birthday cake for Kanako.

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