Dengeki Game Live 115

title Dengeki Game Live 115
date/time 2023.11.16
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Takatsuki Kanako (高槻かなこ)
guest Kobayashi Aika (小林愛香)

This was the 115th broadcast of the Dengeki game show. The hosts were Takatsuki Kanako and Kobayashi Aika, and this was a special for the Yohane games "Genjitsu no Yohane Blaze in the Deep Blue" and "Genjitsu no Yohane Numazu in the Mirage".

First they talked about "Numazu in the Mirage". This game will go on sale 2/22, 2024.

The second half was about "Blaze in the Deep Blue", which went on sale today. They showed a lot of the game, and also the packaging and goods.

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