Dengeki Game Live 119

title Dengeki Game Live 119
date/time 2023.12.21
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Ohtsubo Yuka (ÂçÄÚͳ²Â)
Shindou Amane (¿ÊÆ£¤¢¤Þ¤Í)
Hoshitani Mio (À±Ã«Èþ½ï)
Umezawa Megu (Çßß·¤á¤°)
guests Oda Karin
Takatsuki Miyuu
Amami Yurina (Å·³¤Í³ÍüÆà)

This was the 119th broadcast of the Dengeki game show, and it was the third end of year special for 2023. The hosts were Ohtsubo Yuka, Shindou Amane, Hoshitani Mio, and Umezawa Megu.

This broadcast was over 4 hours.

There was a video where Mio went to Namco Akihabara and introduced the "Gundam Extreme Vs 2 Overboost" game.

There was a corner where Oda Karin and Takatsuki Miyuu came as a guest to introduce some Touhou Project games.

Amami Yurina came as a guest for the Heaven Burns Red corner. There will be a real event (and also live broadcast) at Bellesalle Akihabara on 2/4 16:00. The guests will be Kusunoki Tomori, Maekawa Ryouko, Inami Anju, Serizawa Yuu, and Yurina.

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