Dengeki Game Live 121

title Dengeki Game Live 121
date/time 2024.01.11
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Nakashima Yuki (ÃæÅçͳµ®)

This was the 121st broadcast of the Dengeki game show, and the first one for 2024. The host was Nakashima Yuki.

Yuki she still didn't eat any mochi this year. She likes mochi but she doesn't want to gain weight..

The first game covered was "Genjitsu no Yohane Numazu in the Mirage". This game will go on sale 2/22, and they showed a little bit of the game. It was a card battle game.

In the next corner, they played games against each other, and Yuki got to eat a cake at the end.

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