Dengeki Game Live 124

title Dengeki Game Live 124
date/time 2024.02.22
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Maeda Kaori (Á°ÅIJ¿¥Î¤)
guest Kobayashi Aika (¾®ÎÓ°¦¹á)

This was the 124th broadcast of the Dengeki game show. The host was Maeda Kaori, and the guest was Kobayashi Aika.

One of the corners was on the Love Live Sunshine game Genjitsu no Yohane -Numazu in the Mirage-.

The Yohane corner was almost one hour, and Aika was the guest for this corner. This game was a card battle game, and it went on sale today. They introduced the game, and Aika also played some parts of the game.

Then they showed the actual game package, the PS5 and Switch premium box. There was an art book, some cards, and a special drama CD inside the box.

They also announced that there will be some add on sets for the game coming out later, in April, May, and June.

The Love Live! Days magazine (April 2024 issue) will come with a B2 sized poster contains pictures of the Yohane game cards.

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