d Studio 30

title d Studio 30
date/time 2016.11.21
assistant Nakamura Eriko (Ãæ¼åéΤ»Ò)
guests Kouno Marika (¹âÌîËãΤ²Â)
Imamura Ayaka
Toujou Hisako

This was the 30th broadcast of d Studio. Nakamura Eriko was the assistant, and the seiyuu guests were Kouno Marika, Imamura Ayaka, and Toujou Hisako.

The three seiyuu guests were the main seiyuu in the TV anime Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume.

They even had a ping pong table and played ping pong.

Ayaka said she played ping pong for three years when she was in junior high school.

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]
[d Studio]

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