Gangan GA Channel 100

title Gangan GA Channel 100
date/time 2023.01.26
broadcast youtube
hosts Hondo Kaede (ËÜÅÏÉö)
Senbongi Sayaka

This was the 100th broadcast of Gangan GA Channel. The hosts were Hondo Kaede and Senbongi Sayaka.

This was the first broadcast of the year, and also the 100th broadcast for this show. There were special decorations in the studio.

Kaede and Sayaka started at on this show at broadcast 50, in May 2018.

In the first corner, they showed drawings of the hosts for all 100 broadcasts.

At the end they drew pictures of their travel plans for 2023. Kaede wants to go where it's snowing and she just wants to take photos. Sayaka said she wanted to go diving in the ocean.

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