Game the Hinaland 1

title Game the Hinaland 1
date/time 2023.03.23
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yano Hinaki (ÌðÌîÈÞºÚ´î)

This was the first broadcast of the new game show hosted by Yano Hinaki. First part was free, and the second part was for members only.

Hinaki was wearing training wear with a picture of edamame (green soybeans).

This was a monthly show where Hinaki was given some missions to clear. She will get some presents depending on how many she can clear this year.

The first mission was to get more than 7 kills in a Splatoon game. Hinaki cleared this, and got her first medal.

Hinaki will appear at the Anime Japan event this weekend. On 3/25, she will be at the Love Live event, and on 3/26, she will be at the Kizuna no Ariru event.

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