Game the Hinaland 4

title Game the Hinaland 4
date/time 2023.06.02
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yano Hinaki (ÌðÌîÈÞºÚ´î)
guest Murakami Natsumi (¼¾åÆàÄżÂ)

This was the 4th broadcast of the game show hosted by Yano Hinaki. First part was free, and the second part was for members only. The guest was Murakami Natsumi.

Hinaki announced this new show on Natsumi's show, so Natsumi was supposed to be the first guest on this show. But their schedules didn't match.

Hinaki and Natsumi played Street Fighter 6 for around 15 minutes, and Hinaki won 2-1.

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