Game the Hinaland 5

title Game the Hinaland 5
date/time 2023.07.03
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yano Hinaki (ÌðÌîÈÞºÚ´î)

This was the 5th broadcast of the game show hosted by Yano Hinaki. First part was free, and the second part was for members only. There was no guest on this broadcast.

Hinaki was wearing the red tomato T-shirt and sweatshirt, which is usually for the guest.

She had gotten 12 medals so far in the first 4 broadcasts, on her way to her taget of 30.

She played the game "Only Up" for around 15 minutes, and cleared her target.

Hinaki will appear at the Umamusume live in Yokohama on 7/15 and 7/16.

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