Game the Hinaland 8

title Game the Hinaland 8
date/time 2023.10.02
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yano Hinaki (矢野妃菜喜)
guest Saiba Mizuki

This was the 8th broadcast of the game show hosted by Yano Hinaki. First part was free, and the second part was for members only. The guest was Saiba Mizuki (idol and actress).

Hinaki and Mizuki are together in the Assault Lily (アサルトリリィ) musical, and Hinaki said she was a big fan of Mizuki.

Hinaki now had 20.5 medals.

First they played a card acting game. Then they read some mails and talked.

Hinaki said that the Umamusume season 3 TV anime will start soon, and she is doing the role of Kitasan Black.

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