Game the Hinaland 10

title Game the Hinaland 10
date/time 2023.12.04
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yano Hinaki (ÌðÌîÈÞºÚ´î)
guest Akina

This was the 10th broadcast of the game show hosted by Yano Hinaki. First part was free, and the second part was for members only.

Hinaki currently had 24.5 medals, and needed 0.5 more to get a ticket to stay at the MiraCosta hotel.

The guest was Akina. Both Hinaki and Akina were in the Umamusume Season 3 TV anime.

Both Hinaki and Akina like to go to Disneyland. Akina said she was very active, and she likes to walk all over and go to everything. She usually walks around 30,000 steps when she goes to Disneyland. Hinaki said she likes to watch the shows.

The game they played was "Super Sportsmachen". They played against each other, and Akina won. So Hinaki couldn't get the medal.

They were going to play two more games in the members only broadcast.

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