Houchi Shoujo 5 Shuunensai Chokuzen

title Houchi Shoujo 5 Shuunensai Chokuzen
date/time 2022.03.06 20:00-
broadcast youtube
archive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL5BEJIqo7Y
hosts Ishitobi Erika
guests Ohzora Naomi (大空直美)
Nakamura Eriko (中村繪里子)
video message Tanaka Takako
Morishita Chisaki
Kobayashi Yuu (小林ゆう)

This was a special broadcast for the game Houchi Shoujo. The seiyuu host was Ishitobi Erika, and the seiyuu guests were Ohzora Naomi and Nakamura Eriko. Cosplayer Enako also was one of the hosts.

There were also video messages by Tanaka Takako, Morishita Chisaki, and Kobayashi Yuu.

This broadcast was done in remote mode because of covid, and the guests were in separate rooms. The seiyuu guests appeared on the show about one hour into the show, and stayed until the end.

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