Reynatis Happyou Kinen Namahousou

title Reynatis Happyou Kinen Namahousou
date/time 2024.03.04
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Kobayashi Chiaki
Kitou Akari (µ´Æ¬ÌÀΤ)
Yuikawa Asaki

This was a live broadcast for the upcoming game Reynatis. The seiyuu were Kobayashi Chiaki, Kitou Akari, and Yuikawa Asaki.

The broadcast started with all of the seiyuu doing a chuunibyou pose.

This game is an action RPG, and it will go on sale 7/25.

They showed a promo video, and the producer came and talked about the game and characters.

Then there was a Shibuya quiz corner, as the game takes place in Shibuya.

The main cast of the game is as follows.

Kirizumi MarinKobayashi Chiaki
Nishijima SariKitou Akari
Meguro NikaYuikawa Asaki

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