Seiyuu Encount 50

title Seiyuu Encount 50
date/time 2023.11.01
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Suzuki Minori (ÎëÌڤߤΤê)
Hanai Miharu (²Ö°æÈþ½Õ)
guest Natsuyoshi Yuuko

This was broadcast 50 of the seiyuu talk show by Suzuki Minori and Hanai Miharu. The guest was Natsuyoshi Yuuko.

Minori and Miharu went out to eat yakiniku together recently. They always wanted to go eat together, but their schedules couldn't match up for a long time. They said they want to go eat some nabe next time, sometime this year.

Minori and Yuuko first met a while back when they were both in the anime "Show by Rock". But they haven't met much since then.

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