Seiyuu Encount 52

title Seiyuu Encount 52
date/time 2024.01.17
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Suzuki Minori (ÎëÌڤߤΤê)
Hanai Miharu (²Ö°æÈþ½Õ)

This was broadcast 52 of the seiyuu talk show by Suzuki Minori and Hanai Miharu. There was no guest.

At the beginning, they gave out information on two upcoming events.

The "Anzai Yukari Croatia Location Project P06 New Year Party" will take place on 1/27 (14:00 and 17:30). Minori will be one of the guests, along with Harada Sayaka. She said she will drink in the second session.

The event for this show "Seiyuu Encount Talk Event" will take place on 2/18 (14:00 and 17:30). The guests will be Iwami Manaka, Inoue Honoka, and Tazawa Masumi.

After that, they did a kanpai with some non-alcoholic drinks, and they sat around a nabe to eat. They also showed many video clips from last year's broadcasts.

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