Shoteigai Gakushuu 36

title Shoteigai Gakushuu 36
date/time 2023.03.08
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Shibasaki Noriko (¼Çºêŵ»Ò)
Yasui Saki
guest Kisui Shio

This was broadcast 36 of Shoteigai Gakushuu by Shibasaki Noriko and Yasui Saki. The guest was Kisui Shio.

Shio and Saki met for the first time today.

Shio was in the keion club in high school. She said she actually started the club, as her school didn't have one.

In the members only part, they will play the card game "Dream On". It was a game with 156 illustration cards, and they had to connect them to make a story. Then they played a little bit to explain the rules.

[Shibasaki Noriko broadcasts]
[Tamaniha Iiyone broadcasts] [Shotaigai Gakushuu broadcasts]

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