Shoteigai Gakushuu 46

title Shoteigai Gakushuu 46
date/time 2024.02.14
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Shibasaki Noriko (¼Çºêŵ»Ò)
Yasui Saki
guest Kisui Shio

This was broadcast 46 of Shoteigai Gakushuu by Shibasaki Noriko and Yasui Saki. The guest was Kisui Shio.

The mail topic for today was a "Valentine situation", and the viewers sent in situations that they would make them happy.

In the members only part, they will play the card game Coyote, and they did a short demonstration.

[Shibasaki Noriko broadcasts]
[Tamaniha Iiyone broadcasts] [Shotaigai Gakushuu broadcasts]

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