Tamaniha Iiyone 32

title Tamaniha Iiyone 32
date/time 2023.03.07
broadcast niconico
host Shibasaki Noriko (¼Çºêŵ»Ò)
guest Harada Sayaka

This was broadcast 32 of Tamaniha Iiyone by Shibasaki Noriko. The guest was Harada Sayaka.

Noriko had black cat ears on her head, and she was also wearing a black sweater. She said she will play a cat in the members only part.

The SS Gakuen to Tenkousei no Himitsu event will take place on 4/9, and Noriko showed some of the goods.

Sayaka also had some cat ears, but hers was white. She said she actually had two cats at home.

Noriko and Sayaka both participated in the Idolmaster event (Masters of Idol World) together last month. But this was first time they got to talk. Noriko is in Shiny Colors, and Sayaka in Cinderella Girls.

Sayaka was from Chiba, but she lives in Tokyo now. She said she hasn't returned to Chiba that much recently.

Sayaka likes to eat a lot, mostly non healthy junk type food.

[Shibasaki Noriko broadcasts]
[Tamaniha Iiyone broadcasts] [Shotaigai Gakushuu broadcasts]

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