Radio Konohanatei he Youkoso 7

title Radio Konohanatei he Youkoso 7
date 2017.11.20
hosts Ohno Yuuko (ÂçÌîÍ®ÉÛ»Ò)
Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)
guests Suwa Ayaka (¿ÛˬºÌ²Ö)
Kubota Risa

This was the 7th broadcast of Radio Konohanatei he Youkoso.

The guests were Suwa Ayaka and Kubota Risa. They were the first guests for this show. Ayaka and Risa were there from the beginning, and they did the entire show together.

Some things that each seiyuu doesn't like..

  • Risa hates most vegetables.
  • Ayaka doesn't like getting shots.
  • Yuuko doesn't like bugs.
  • Sawako is afraid of heights.

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