Nijigasaki TV Anime 2Ki Saishinwa Chokuzen Namahousou 3

title Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai TV Anime 2Ki
Saishinwa Chokuzen Namahousou episode 3
date/time 2022.04.16 20:00-21:00
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Yano Hinaki (ÌðÌîÈÞºÚ´î)
Sashide Maria (»Ø½ÐÝÜ°¡)
Sagara Mayu (ÁêÎÉçýÍ¥)

This was a broadcast for the TV anime Love Live Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai (2nd season). The host of this show was Yano Hinaki, who does the voice of the main character Yuu. The guests were Sashide Maria and Sagara Mayu.

They talked about Nijigasaki TV anime episode 2, and showed lots of stills from the anime.

Next they gave out information on School Idol Festival All Stars. There will be scenarios of the TV episodes in the game each week.

The Nijigasaki second season opening and ending song CDs will go on sale 4/20 and 4/27.

There will be a Nijigasaki x Pacific League collaboration game on 7/8. The seiyuu participating will be Mayu and Houmoto Akina.

The Nijigasaki 5th live will take place on the weekends of 9/10-11 and 9/17-18.

[Love Live broadcasts]
[Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Chokuzen Namahousou]
[Nijigasaki TV Anime 2Ki Chokuzen Namahousou]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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