Gurutto 360 3

title Marutto 360 Gurutto! 360 3! Furikae Namahousou
date/time 2020.03.29 (4 hours)
broadcast niconico
cost net ticket, first 30 minutes free
hosts Iida Yuuko
Takano Asami
guests Takeda Rarisa Tago
Satou Amina
Noguchi Yuri
Fukagawa Seria

This was a 4 hour live broadcast for the show Marutto 360 by Iida Yuuko and Takano Asami. There was supposed to be an event on 3/29, but it got canceled due to the coronavirus. So they did this special broadcast, which was a pay for broadcast.
The first 30 minutes or so was free.

The guests were Takeda Rarisa Tago, Satou Amina, Noguchi Yuri, and Fukagawa Seria.

The opening talk by Yuuko and Asami was around 10 minutes. Then there was a 10 minute break, and they started the main broadcast with all of the guests.

The first part was just talk and reading some mails.
The free broadcast got cut off in the middle of the talk.

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