Maruoka Wakana Suganuma Chisa Shinbangumi Happyou Namahousou

title Maruoka Wakana Suganuma Chisa Shinbangumi Happyou Namahousou
date/time 2020.05.20 20:00-21:00
broadcast niconico
cost free
guests Maruoka Wakana (´Ý²¬Ï²ÂÆà)
Suganuma Chisa (¿û¾ÂÀé¼Ó)

This was a live broadcast by Maruoka Wakana and Suganuma Chisa to announce their new show on the Voice Garage channel. The first half was free, and the second half was for members only.

They announced the title of the new program in the second half, "Wabi Tabi Juuou Mujin" (ϤӼӤӤ¸¤å¡¼¤ª¡¼¤à¤¸¤ó).

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