Akogi Fun Club 55

title Washizaki Takeshi no Akogi Fun Club 55
date/time 2021.10.15
broadcast niconico
cost first part free, last part members only
host Washizaki Takeshi (Ïɺê·ò)
guests Aoyama Yoshino (ÀÄ»³µÈǽ)
Yamazaki Erii (»³ºê¥¨¥ê¥¤)
Yoshioka Mayu (µÈ²¬çýÍ´)
Tadokoro Azusa

This was a live broadcast of Washizaki Takeshi's monthly song and talk event where he plays live music. There was no crowd for this event.

This was a birthday special for Takeshi's birthday, which was in October. This broadcast was 2 hours instead of the usual 90 minutes.

There were four seiyuu guests, Aoyama Yoshino, Yamazaki Erii, Yoshioka Mayu, and Tadokoro Azusa.

Takeshi talked and sang a few songs before the guests came. Each seiyuu guest came one by one, and sang two songs each. Yoshino was first, then Erii, Mayu, and Azusa.

After Azusa sang her two songs, Takeshi and Azusa sang a song. All the other seiyuu came back onto the stage during the song.

Then each seiyuu said their final comments, and the last song was "Dear Birthday", sung by everyone.

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