Toyosaki Aki YouTube Namahaishin

title Toyosaki Aki YouTube Namahaishin
date/time 2024.01.28
broadcast youtube
host Toyosaki Aki (Ë­ºê°¦À¸)

This was a live broadcast by Toyosaki Aki.

This was supposed to be a broadcast by both Aki and Takagaki Ayahi, but Ayahi got sick today, so Aki did the broadcast alone. But Aki had a little figure of Ayahi.

There were some announcements that they wanted to do together.

Ayahi and Aki will release a new song together.

Ayahi and Aki will have a 2 man live at Tachikawa Stage Garden on 4/28. There will be only one session at 18:00.

At the end, Aki showed a message from Ayahi.

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