Anison Kamikyoku Cover desho desho 9/11

title Anison Kamikyoku Cover desho desho
date 2021.09.11
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Isobe Karin (ã¦Éô²Öô¥)

This was a youtube show featuring some talk and an anime song cover by a guest. The seiyuu guest on the 9/11 broadcast was Isobe Karin.

Karin was the Nara representative for the 2014 Miss Universe Japan contest. She qualified by sending in a photo that her father took of her when she went on a trip to Guam.

The three anime that Karin likes are as follows.

  • Yuru Can
  • Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
  • Himouto! Umaru-chan
For the cove song, Karin sang "Shiny Days", the opening song for Yuru Can.

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