Anison Kamikyoku Cover desho desho 10/30

title Anison Kamikyoku Cover desho desho
date 2021.10.30
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Liyuu (¥ê¡¼¥æ¥¦)

This was a youtube show featuring some talk and an anime song cover by a guest. The seiyuu guest on the 10/30 broadcast was Liyuu.

The talk part video was around 15 minutes. Liyuu was cosplaying the character Tohru from Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon. This was the first time that Liyuu cosplayed on a broadcast show.

They showed many cosplay photos of Liyuu.

Liyuu's first album "Fo(u)r YuU" will go on sale 2022.02.09.

Liyuu will also have her first concert "Liyuu First Concert 2022" on 2/11 at Pacifico Yokohama.

For the cover song, Liyuu sang "Catch You Catch Me" from Card Captor Sakura, after changing into another cute outfit.

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