Seiyuu Anizatsudan 68

title Seiyuu Anizatsudan 68
date/time 2017.08.15 22:00-
hosts Matsui Eriko (松井恵理子)
Matsuzaki Rei (松嵜麗)
guests Eino Airi (永野愛理)
Endou Yurika (遠藤ゆりか)

The guests for broadcast 68 were Eino Airi (Wake Up Girls) and Endou Yurika. This broadcast was a two hour karaoke special. Instead of the usual studio, they went to a karaoke box and sang songs.

They sang various anime and game songs for two hours. They sang solo and also in various combinations. After singing four or so songs, they took a break to talk about the song and the anime that the songs came from.

The song list and the singers was as follows.

singers song
all おジャ魔女カーニバル!!
Eriko 乙女のポリシー
Airi ノーザンクロス
Yurika Zoetrope
Rei ブルーウォーター
Eriko, Yurika 恋のかけら
Rei, Airi 少女交響曲
Eriko めざせポケモンマスター
Airi 甲賀忍法帖
Yurika プラチナ
Rei シルシ
Yurika 一番の宝物
Airi 帰り道
Rei 水の証
Eriko 勇気100%
Airi, Eriko 光るなら
Yurika, Rei Preserved Roses
Yurika Fallen
Yurika No Buts!
Rei Give a Reason
Rei Q&A リサイタル
Airi あんずのうた
Airi Star!!
Eriko 1/2
Eriko リライト
all Snow Halation

"Shoujo Koukyoukyoku" is a Wake Up Girls song, Rei and Airi changed clothes for this. Airi wore a Rakuten Eagles jersey and a red skirt, very cute! Rei wore a idolish outfit. They called themselves "Good Night Girls", instead of "Wake Up Girls". (^_^; Both Airi and Rei did most of the dances.

The very last song was "Snow Halation" from Love Live, and everyone sang it together. They also did most of the dances for this too.

[Seiyuu Anizatsudan]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]