Seiyuu Anizatsudan 78

title Seiyuu Anizatsudan 78
date/time 2017.10.31 22:00-
hosts Matsui Eriko (¾¾°æ·ÃÍý»Ò)
Matsuzaki Rei (¾¾Ö¿Îï)
guests Yoshimura Haruka (²Â¼¤Ï¤ë¤«)
video Watanabe Yui

The guest for broadcast 78 was Yoshimura Haruka. This was Haruka's third time on this show.

This was a Halloween special. Eriko was wearing a china dress type outfit, Rei was wearing a fancy dress, and Haruka was wearing a maid outfit with bat wing ears. Haruka said she was a vampire maid.

In her profile board, Haruka said that she was born in the year that the Seibu Lions won the Japan Series (probably 1986, 1987, or 1988).

Haruka said her allowance was 10000 yen per month when she was in grade school.

Haruka became a manga/anime fan when she read Akazukin Chacha.

There was also a video message by Watanabe Yui. Yui talked about her lastest album "Vivid Station" that goes on sale 11/1.

[Seiyuu Anizatsudan]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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