Kokoro ni Mani Mani 16

title Kokoro ni Mani Mani 16
date 2022.09.01
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Shizuki Azusa (»η·ξ°ΙΌλΊΜ)
guest Amano Satomi (Ε·ΜξΑοΘώ)

This was the 16th broadcast of Kokoro ni Mani Mani, hosted by Shizuki Azusa. The guest was Amano Satomi.

In the opening, Azusa showed her current autograph, and said that she wanted to put a snake in it. She wanted to put a snake head on the large S in the autograph. But Azusa noticed that many people don't like snakes, so she didn't do it.

Asuza said that this was the 5th time that she met Satomi. She first met Satomi when she was a guest on one of Satomi's shows. Then they were together in the Voice Star Daikanshasai event. Then Azusa went to Satomi's Torotoro Oukoku show. The 4th time they were together was at Nomura Maiko's Maisen Music Fes event.

Satomi said she likes green but she can't wear green clothes on her own show because they all use green backgrounds. But today she wore green, even green earrings.

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