Kokoro ni Mani Mani 17

title Kokoro ni Mani Mani 17
date 2022.10.06
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Shizuki Azusa (»η·ξ°ΙΌλΊΜ)
guest Yamazaki Erii (»³Ίκ₯¨₯κ₯€)

This was the 17th broadcast of Kokoro ni Mani Mani, hosted by Shizuki Azusa. The guest was Yamazaki Erii.

Azusa was a guest on Erii's Mada Guest Erii show.

Azusa read Erii's hobbies on her profile, which said piano, harp, and playing with a dog. But Erii said that the list is very old, and she can't play the instruments any more.

Erii said that her recent hobbies are going to Disneyland, drinking teas, and collecting earrings.

Erii is currently doing fan club tours all over Japan. She will also have a birthday event on 11/13.

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