Seiyuu Encount 23

title Seiyuu Encount 23
date/time 2022.05.18
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Suzuki Minori (鈴木みのり)
Hanai Miharu (花井美春)
guest Nitta Hiyori (新田ひより)

This was the 23rd broadcast of the seiyuu talk show by Suzuki Minori and Hanai Miharu. The guest was Nitta Hiyori.

Hiyori was wearing some white rabbit ears on her head. It was an eye mask that she bought when she went to buy some pajamas for this show.

Minori, Miharu, and Hiyori are all in Idolmaster Cinderella Girls, but Minori and Hiyori haven't talked much before.

After reading some mails, they went to the profile board corner. Hiyori showed her board, and showed some childhood photos. She said she was very embarassed, and this was the first time she showed her childhood photos. Hiyori liked rabbits, and she showed photos of her holding her pet rabbit.

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