Seiyuu Encount 41

title Seiyuu Encount 41
date/time 2023.03.01
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Suzuki Minori (ÎëÌڤߤΤê)
Hanai Miharu (²Ö°æÈþ½Õ)
guest Nagae Rika (Ĺ¹¾Î¤²Ã)

This was broadcast 41 of the seiyuu talk show by Suzuki Minori and Hanai Miharu. This was a live broadcast, and the guest was Nagae Rika.

Rika was in several anime and games with Minori and Miharu, but they haven't talked that much before.

Rika brought her first photobook "Re:Color", which just went on sale. There were two different covers for the photobook.

Rika gave signed copies of her book to Minori and Miharu. Then they read some mails and talked about the photobook.

Then they went to the profile board talk, and Rika showed several childhood photos.

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