Seiyuu Encount 42

title Seiyuu Encount 42
date/time 2023.03.15
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Suzuki Minori (ÎëÌڤߤΤê)
Hanai Miharu (²Ö°æÈþ½Õ)
guest Mizuno Saki

This was broadcast 42 of the seiyuu talk show by Suzuki Minori and Hanai Miharu. This was a recorded broadcast, and the guest was Mizuno Saku.

This was the first time Minori met Saku. Saku and Miharu were in Selection Project together.

Saku is from the Kansai area, so she said she went to the Universal Studios Japan park a lot when she was little. She showed some childhood photos.

Saku loved anime when she was little, especially the anime "Inazuma Eleven". Then she found out there were seiyuu doing the voices, and she wanted to become a seiyuu.

Saku also played a lot of games. She even worked a lot of part time jobs, and bought a gaming PC when she was in high school.

Saku's first seiyuu work was in the smartphone game Baton Relay.

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