Anime Hack TV 23

title Anime Hack TV 23
date 2023.05.02
broadcast youtube
hosts Tokui Sora (ÆÁ°æÀĶõ)
guests Uchida Aya (ÆâÅĺÌ)

This was talk show hosted by Tokui Sora. The seiyuu guest was Uchida Aya.

Aya talked about the TV anime Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku (žÀ¸µ®Â²¤Î°ÛÀ¤³¦ËÁ¸±Ï¿). Both Aya and Sora are in this anime.

Aya sings the opening song "Preview", and it will go on sale 5/24. This is Aya's 7th solo single.

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