Anime Hack TV 27

title Anime Hack TV 27
date 2023.10.01
broadcast youtube
hosts Tokui Sora (徳井青空)
guests Ohsaka Ryouta
Toujou Hisako

This was talk show hosted by Tokui Sora. The seiyuu guests were Ohsaka Ryouta and Toujou Hisako

In the opening, Sora said that there were almost 60 new TV anime shows starting this fall. The Anime Hack site has information on all of them.

Sora also said that there will be an Anime Hack TV event at the Tokushima Machiasobi event on 10/29.

Ryouta and Hisako talked about the TV anime Boushoku no Berserk (暴食のベルセルク). They even brought a large sword prop from the anime. The TV anime will start on 10/4.

The opening and ending songs will be sung by the group EverdreaM, made up of Matsuoka Misato nad Sekine Hitomi, who have roles in the anime. The CD will go on sale 11/8.

In the game corner, they all did a tasting quiz. They got two out of three correct, so Ryouta and Hisako got some presents. They got a Halloween pack of umaibou.

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