Youkoso! Issho ni Hamarimasenka!? 19

title Youkoso! Issho ni Hamarimasenka!? 19
date 2022.08.19
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Nagai Mariko
guest Shibasaki Noriko (¼Çºêŵ»Ò)

This was broadcast 19 of the solo show by Nagai Mariko. The first half was free, and the second half was for members only.

The guest was Shibasaki Noriko. Both Mariko and Noriko were wearing colorful jinbei.

The game they played was Falls Guys, and they played with the viewers. This was the first time Noriko played this game. Noriko moved her entire body when she played, and Mariko kept laughing as she watched Noriko.

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