Youkoso! Issho ni Hamarimasenka!? 20

title Youkoso! Issho ni Hamarimasenka!? 20
date 2022.09.23
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Nagai Mariko
guest Shibasaki Noriko (¼Çºêŵ»Ò)

This was broadcast 20 of the solo show by Nagai Mariko. The first half was free, and the second half was for members only.

The guest was Shibasaki Noriko. Both Mariko and Noriko were wearing Baystars jerseys.

The game they played was Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. They moved the tables out of the way for Noriko, as she is going to move around a lot when playing the game. Later Mariko and Noriko both stood up and moved around while driving. After around 30 minutes of playing, they both got very tired, but Noriko said that it was a good workout.

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