Youkoso! Issho ni Hamarimasenka!? 25

title Youkoso! Issho ni Hamarimasenka!? 25
date 2023.02.15
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Nagai Mariko
guest Shibasaki Noriko (¼Çºêŵ»Ò)

This was broadcast 25 of the solo show by Nagai Mariko. The first half was free, and the second half was for members only.

The guest was Shibasaki Noriko.

In the opening, Noriko said that she was from Las Vegas, and started talking with an American accent.

Mariko and Noriko were both wearing a white shirt with thin blue stripes and a white jacket.

It was the second anniversary of this show, but Mariko said that they won't do anything special. Just then the staff gave Mariko an ad for a plastic model car. They said that Mariko can get the car if they do good in the game.

The game they played was Overcook.

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