I Have Controller Special 7/09

title I Have Controller Special
date/time 2023.07.09 19:00-
broadcast youtube
host Aoki Ruriko (ÀÄÌÚÎÜÍþ»Ò)
guests Miyake Marie (»°ÂðËãÍý·Ã)
Kuroki Honoka (¹õÌڤۤιá)

This was a special broadcast of I Have Controller, hosted by Aoki Ruriko.

It was a special with Miyake Marie and Kuroki Honoka as guests.

They played various games and competed with each other. The first game was Street Fighter 6. The second game was Everybody 1-2-Switch. The last game was Mario Kart 8 DX.

Honoka won the contest with 7 points, and Marie and Ruriko both had 6. They all got presents. Honoka got a box of good chocolates, Marie got a small piece of youkan, and Ruriko got one little chocolate.

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