I Have Controller Shinshun Tokuban

title I Have Controller Shinshun Tokuban
date/time 2024.01.08
broadcast youtube
host Aoki Ruriko (ÀÄÌÚÎÜÍþ»Ò)
guests Aihara Kotomi
Aoki Shiki

This was the 1/8 broadcast of I Have Controller, hosted by Aoki Ruriko.

This was the first broadcast of 2024, and was a New Year Special. The guests were Aihara Kotomi and Aoki Shiki.

Ruriko and Shiki said that they were playing Pokemon Sleep.

They got some canned drinks, and drank while playing the game.

During the free broadcast, they played "Bara to Tsubaki" (Rose and Camellia) and "Suika Game" (Watermelon game).

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