Seiyuu to Oshaberi 3 Digest

title Seiyuu to Oshaberi 3 Digest
date/time 2024.01.24 (around 22 minutes)
broadcast youtube
guests Umezawa Megu (Çßß·¤á¤°)
Hoshitani Mio (À±Ã«Èþ½ï)
Kuwahara Yuuki (·¬¸¶Í³µ¤)
Takahashi Karin (¹â¶¶²ÖÎÓ)

This was a digest video of the Seiyuu to Oshaberi 3 event that took place on 1/21. The full archive is available on, and this 22 minute digest video was uploaded to youtube on 1/24.

The seiyuu hosts were Umezawa Megu, Hoshitani Mio, Kuwahara Yuuki, and Takahashi Karin.

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