Seiyuu Otazatsudan 9

title Seiyuu Otazatsudan 9
date/time 2021.09.07
hosts Matsui Eriko (¾¾°æ·ÃÍý»Ò)
Matsuzaki Rei (¾¾Ö¿Îï)
guest Maruoka Wakana (´Ý²¬Ï²ÂÆà)
Suganuma Chisa (¿û¾ÂÀé¼Ó)

This was the 9th broadcast of Seiyuu Otazatsudan. The hosts were Matsui Eriko and Matsuzaki Rei. The guests were Maruoka Wakana and Suganuma Chisa.

Rei returned from her maternity leave, and she got some baby presents from the staff.

Because of social distancing, the seiyuu sat apart and they showed the four seiyuu in a split screen format.

First they did the introduction talk with Wakana and Chisa filling out their personal information forms.

[Seiyuu Otazatsudan]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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