Seiyuu Otazatsudan 33

title Seiyuu Otazatsudan 33
date/time 2022.09.20
hosts Matsui Eriko (¾¾°æ·ÃÍý»Ò)
Takada Yuuki (¹âÅÄÍ«´õ)
guest Houmoto Akina (Ë¡¸µÌÀºÚ)

This was the 33rd broadcast of Seiyuu Otazatsudan. The hosts were Matsui Eriko and Takada Yuuki. The guest was Houmoto Akina.

This was the first that that both Eriko and Yuuki met Akina.

Akina said she can speak chinese, both Mandarin and Cantonese, as she lived there from grade school to junior high.

In the otaku talk section, Akina brought up "Tom and Jerry". When Akina just moved to China, a lot of the anime she watched on TV was dubbed. So she couldn't understand most of it. But she enjoyed Tom and Jerry because it didn't have much dialogue.

[Seiyuu Otazatsudan]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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